Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What camera to take? That question has been on my mind for the last week. What camera to take to NYC next week: the Leica, 500cm, or my beloved Mamiya 6. I worry about losing my Mamiya (a difficult camera to replace), the 500cm is heavier but actually quite good for street photography (with the mirror pre-released) and easily replaced (in the current digital world used Hasselblads are pretty cheap), and while I love my Leica I'm not that crazy about 35mm negatives; they're simply too small. Well, now the Leica is off the list any ways, as my 35mm lens got knocked off the shelve it was on (off the camera both caps on) and now the barrel is stuck!!! So it is off to the lens doctor leaving me with the choice of just two.

Photo: San Francisco
Camera: Leica MP

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